Attended Amsterdam school of graphic design 1982-1986
1985-89 worked as a freelance illustrator and artist.
Exhibitions, Amsterdam broken doll cultural center.
Exhibitions in utrecht, Den Bosch, Leeuwarden, Assen.
1989-91 worked and lived in Durham, UK. Exhibitions in Durham university, Newcastle cultural festival, Edinburgh cultural Festival, London west side gallery.
1991-2012 lived and worked in Belgium.
Exhibitions Brussels; Bozart, Antwerp; den langen arm,
Sint truiden: gallery:Nova Belgica.
Hasselt: Townhall and zaal België.
Diest: Townhall and Begijnenhof.
2012- moved to the Netherlands
2016 “Vissen klimmen niet in Bomen..” (fish don’t climb trees) exhibition with Johan van der Burgt and Vincent Bakker in Mixart Gallery Brussels,
2017”Sehnsucht xl” themed group exhibition in the Castle of Drongen (B)
Themed group exhibitions with Kunzthuiz
At Poortgebouw Herckenrode Hasselt, Belgium
2016 “Sehnsucht”
2021 “Fabels”
2022 “Fragile”
2019- Moved to France
Started the work on the Chronicles of Gryningen, book project.
2021: Exhibition “ les contes d’une Fée”
La tour du moulin, saint-Clément, France
2022: Exhibition” des rêves de forêt sauvage“
Salle Rufus, châtel de Montagny, France
Prizes won,
1990 :1st British SF festival,
1991: 3rd international fantasy and horrorart , 3rd graphic cartoon .
2017 :5th international high Art,
2017:2nd Heel Nijmegen schildert!
2017 :Palm award, special achievement award
2018:Art Taipei, honourable mention.
Artist statement:
I am a raconteur, a teller of stories. I work in pen and ink and tell parables; stories in symbols and signs. I have done so all my life, and will continue to do so.